
mercoledì 17 ottobre 2012

Do you suffer from Menstrual irregularities??

Menstrual irregularities are of different types. in which menstruation is (irregular, heavy, painful, or does not occur at all).

Common types of menstrual irregularities include:

1· Menorrhagia (heavy menstruation)

2· Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)

3·Oligomenorrhea (menstrual bleeding occurring more than 35 days after the last menstrual period)

4· Amenorrhea (when a teenager does not get her period by age 16, or when a woman stops getting her period for at least three months and is not pregnant)

5· Polymenorrhea (menstrual bleeding occurring less than 21 days after the last menstrual period)

6· Spotting (vaginal bleeding between periods)

Symptoms may occur along with menstrual irregularities:

1_ nausea and vomiting 

2_ difficult pregnancy or infertility 

3_ lower back pain 

4_ burning and pain with urination 

5_painful sexual intercourse

6_ cramps and pain in abdomen and pelvic 

7_ unusual vaginal discharge

Some facts you should know:

1_Women, in normal terms, maintain a pattern of period that is ideally 28 days It can vary from 23 days to 35 days.

2_Menstrual irregularities can be associated with normal condition such as puberty

3_ Menstrual irregularities can be caused by a mild or moderate condition, such as stress or uterine fibroids.

4_Your menstrual period may last for just a few days

5_ normal menstrual flow can differ greatly from woman to woman and also varies in different phases of life, such as adolescence and menopause

6_menstrual irregularities can also be caused by serious or life-threatening conditions, such as uterine cancer

The causes of menstrual disorders:

1_ A change in hormone levels is a common cause of abnormal menstrual bleeding.

2_ puberty

3_ menopause and pre-menopausal 

4_ polycystic ovaries 

5_ obesity 

6_ pregnancy 

7_ side effects of some medications (birth control pills) 

8_ anxiety and stress

9_ pelvic inflammatory 

10_increase or decrease weight and extreme physical training 

11_ cancer of the vagina and uterus


What are the possible complications of menstrual disorders?

 1_ anemia due to loss of large amount of blood 

2_ Severe hemorrhage 

3_ chronic pelvic pain 

4_ infertility 

5_ ectopic pregnancy
1_ Irregular menstruation during puberty doesn’t need any treatment

2_Women with minimal symptoms of menstrual irregularities may not need any treatment

3_Mild to moderate menstrual discomfort and pain may be relieved by use pain relievers such as ibuprofen

4_ Reduce your weight

5_ Canned foods should be avoided.

6_Avoid heavy exercise

7_Avoid Smoking and alcohol

8_Avoid stress, anxiety and depression

9_you can use Natural products herbal hormonal

. (Marjoram)

10_Go to the doctor to solve the problem

Dr.Sara el_sayed
DMI Team
Source: Healthline

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