Most people suffering from laziness globally
Chose the Lancet medical journal 20 British people suffer from laziness leading to death, according to WHO figures, and these people suffer from lack of exercise percentage of the population of any physical activity such as walking or manual labor, leading to chronic illnesses
اختارت مجلة لانسيت الطبية البريطانية 20 شعبا يعانون من الكسل المؤدي إلى الموت طبقا لأرقام منظمة الصحة العالمية، وتعاني هذه الشعوب من عدم ممارسة نسبة من سكانها لأي نشاط بدني مثل المشي او العمل اليدوي مما يؤدي لإصابتهم بأمراض مزمنة
Bhutan is a country located in Southeast Asia and ranks twentieth among the countries suffering most from laziness
South Africa in the nineteenth Center is located in the African population suffers from a lack of activities
ايرلندا في المركز الثامن عشر
Italy in the seventh century
The island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea occupies the center XVI
Turkey in the fifteenth international
Iraq in the fourteenth, the first Arab country in the list of twenty
Namibia in thirteenth place, a country located in South Africa
Dominican Republic is located in Central America and southern Mexico, the center occupies the twelfth
Japan-based intervention in the center atheist century in a big surprise for the sanctification of its population to work, but a large percentage of them rely on the technology and it does not work physical
Malaysia in the tenth position
United Arab Emirates in the ninth position, and explain the reason for decline in health study Baptaadehm Emiratis for work outside the office and their tendency to like all the administrative work of the Gulf
Britain in eighth place
Kuwait in seventh place and suffer from such as the UAE after the population for physical work
Micronesia Island in sixth place, one of the small islands in the Pacific Ocean east of Australia
Argentina in fifth place
Serbia in the fourth
Saudi Arabia in third place and many of its residents suffer from chronic diseases mainly diabetes due to poor movement
Kingdom of Swaziland in South Africa in second place
Malta island south of Italy in the first place
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