
lunedì 11 novembre 2013

Report: Highlights 9 architectural wonders of the Middle East

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - has seen the Middle East in recent years, a revolution Amarih and engineering enormous, making it tops the list of cities in the world in terms of architectural and engineering designs picturesque thus becoming one of the most prominent shrines that attract many lovers of architecture and engineering.
Here are reviewed by CNN highlighted nine architectural wonders of the Middle East, without the adoption of a specific order:

Ninth place: Doha, Qatar

Marvel Museum of Islamic Art in the Qatari capital, Doha, where he began working on this project since 2005, was completed in 2008, at a total cost amounted to $ 47.7 million.

Eighth place: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Marvel "Ferrari World", which contains inside the biggest covered play area in the world, in addition to "Avawanh" huge fictional speeds, in a project costing 40 billion dollars.

Seventh place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Marvel Tower "Infinity," which raised its impressive design many of the greatest architects in the world, with a length of 330 meters and a cost of $ 190.5 million, start working on it in 2006 and is expected to finish construction work later this year.

Sixth place: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Marvel Burj Khalifa, who broke all records as the highest building in the world, with a height of 830 meters above the ground, at a cost of $ 1.5 billion and extended construction period since 2004 to 2010.

Fifth place: Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Marvel Towers "House," which is also known as the "Clock Tower Mecca Royal Hotel," which is located in the heart of the holy city of Mecca, where the views of the Kaaba, which is considered the most holy places for Muslims, and the cost amounted to $ 15 billion.

Fourth place: Muscat, Oman

Marvel "Chedi" which runs flat area rather than the vertical length of most architectural buildings, which extends this huge project on an area of up to 8360 square meters, penetrating inside the buildings and gardens along in the project cost $ 25 million.

Third place: Muscat, Oman

Marvel, "the headquarters of the Bank Muscat," and that its construction was completed in 2011, and an area of 32.5 thousand square meters in the final total project cost of $ 57.2 million.

Second place: Manama, Bahrain

Marvel "World Trade Center", which consists of two towers combine their three suspension bridges, each containing a bridge over a huge fan or what is known as "Turbin," where electricity is generated from which, in the project cost $ 150 million.

First place: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Marvel "King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research," which was developed by "Aramco", which is considered one of the largest oil companies in the world, with an area of ​​65 thousand square meters at a cost of $ 11.5 billion.

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