
venerdì 26 aprile 2013

Breakfast: 5 Simple Tips to Start Smart

How to start your day 
Plain Greek yogurt with fruit or nuts is a great grab-and-go option for a busy morning, with twice the protein of regular yogurt. If you have time to cook, try a veggie omelet with a 3:1 ratio of egg whites to yolks. You’ll get the benefits of eggs without the extra cholestero

How not to start your day
Put down that doughnut. It’s a load of sugar in a small package — and a sugar crash waiting to happen. Wild blood-sugar swings can leave you hungry for more junk food, all without filling you up with lasting energy

Ditch the sugary cereal
Speaking of sugar, avoid most of the colorful cereals on your grocery store shelves. They tend to contain added simple sugars, which trigger you to eat more and put you at risk for weight gain. On top of that concern, research suggests food dyes pose their own health risks. 

Eat eggs — but don’t overdo them
If you don’t have heart disease risk factors, limit yourself to six eggs with yolks per week. If you do have heart risks, eat no more than four. Moderation is important. For example, a recent study linked a nutrient in egg yolks to a compound in the gut that increases heart disease risk.   

Keep the coffee, but cut back if needed
Studies abound about the benefits of coffee — from neurological health to cancer prevention. In general, more research needs to be done to prove these benefits, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying your coffee. Just cut back if you feel ill effects such as digestive issues or insomnia 

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