The moment suicidal man tried to hurl hisdaughter, two, out of eighth-floor window
She hangs half-naked and helpless, only held by her suicidal father's gripon her ankle. Fortunately, this man's attempt to hurl his daughter, two, out of thewindow of their eighth-floor flat in Chengdu, China, did not end in tragedy. Shewas saved by a policeman who had managed to edge gradually closer to herdangling body. Then, as colleagues inside distracted her father, the rescuermade a daring grab and tried to haul her to safety. Her crazed parent, however, was not willing tolet go. As neighbours watched in horror, the pair fought a frantic tug-of-war overher tiny form. The officer finally won and dragged her into his arms, fending off hertattooed father by attempting to sandwich him in the window. Forseveral seconds it appeared as if he was going to throw himself eight-storeysdown to the ground below. But officers inside managed to drag him backwards, his legs flailing as hevanished from view. He was taken into custody and later testedpositive for drugs, police said.
صـور- أب يعلق طفلته من نافذة الطابق الثامــن عقاب لزوجته
عقب مشاجرة بينه وبين والدتها تجرد الصيني هيوبينجان (عاطل عن العمل) من كل مشاعر الأبوية، وظل لمدة ثلاث ساعات مدليا طفلته (سنتين) من نافذة شقته بالطابقالثامن، مهددا بإسقاطها، إلى أن جاءتالشرطة وأنقذتها منه بصعوبة. وذكرت الزوجة أن زوجها تجرع كمية من الحبوب المخدرة قبل الواقعة.
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