
lunedì 9 settembre 2013

The world's best houses the world's best houses images p absolutely Photos Best houses the world's best houses of the world - the best house in the world

The world's best houses the world's best houses images p absolutely Photos Best houses the world's best houses of the world - the best house in the world
The world's best houses the world's best houses images p absolutely Photos Best houses the world's best houses of the world - the best house in the world - the world's best houses the world's best houses images p absolutely Photos Best houses the world's best houses of the world - the best house in the world - the world's best houses best picture houses world p absolutely Photos best houses the world's best houses of the world - the best house in the world

Lake Union
This alleyway floating home city bridge that overlooks it, and windows of the house designed to resemble ships and steamers, to give peace and quiet of any scope.

Aqua Floathome
Designed by Steeltec37 Office for Architecture in Germany, and floating home takes the form of a sailboat and has a small bridge to connect the mainland, for it facing windows with shutters for privacy and protection from the sun.

Floating house
This house is floating above the lake "Heron" in America and is located between شاطئين related through two small Koprian, and the designed by MOS Bureau for architecture.

Floating home
Cruising over the waters of the lake, "union" in the U.S. capital Washington and a balcony overlooking the water, but for the glass door is even easier to static see the beautiful view of the water.

HOME floating Last resides in Germany and is located above the pavement cruising over the water, a large surface can sit in the evenings and glass facade do not block the view of the water that sends to calm down.

martedì 3 settembre 2013

Pictures: waves also did not see before ... Creativity and splendor in photography

Pictures: waves also did not see before ... Creativity and splendor in photography

These incredible pictures capture the stunning moment waves roll on to a tropical beach.The breath-taking images show the split-second in which each one breaks and crashes on to the sand, and are the work of two keen photographers who wish to remind people just how beautiful Mother Nature can be.Photographers Nick Selway, 28, and pal CJ Kale, 35, position themselves in the magnificent Hawaiian water - and then wait for the waves to crash into their heads.Their only equipment are standard cameras - but a waterproof case means they do not need to sacrifice their cameras for their art.

Pictures: pink lake in Senegal heritage 30-year-old human

Pictures: pink lake in Senegal heritage 30-year-old human

Five kilometers from the Senegalese capital Dakar, there is a lake to pink in a normal summer and in winter, the lake has turned pink salt mine due to high salinity. Has separated Lake Dakar known as the lake rose, the Atlantic Ocean more than three decades and has become one of the major tourist attractions Senegalese most famous. And the length of the lake is five kilometers and display eight hundred meters to a depth of three meters, half the lake water and the other half of the salt. Known in Senegal and also globally pink lake due to the presence of algae to color reacts with sunlight to become rosy, however sunset lake's water back to their natural color. He says Dudu Ngai researcher in the history of the lake that color the lake pink due to the presence of algae and parasites lake in the absence of oxygen and their interaction with the sun and wind, and the more sunlight strong and wind speed large tends color lake quickly to pink turning the lake into a painting and pink. And changes color lake with the change of seasons also in winter turns the lake water to the natural color but has a salinity is high, up to about half kilogram in liter, and by the high salinity turned lake to mine extracted from annually about twenty-five thousand tons of salt. Although traditional salt extraction method, the lake is a source of livelihood for thousands of Senegalese, though hard work requires considerable effort and patience, all at six dollars a day, in the event was a great crop salt extracted, according to workers at extracting salt from the lake. He says Camara that work in the lake requires a lot of time, and when we met middle of the lake told me that he had spent six hours until then is in the water and feel tired and hungry and cold, and crop salt was a little too and worth the material does not exceed three dollars. , Issued the majority of salt extracted from the lake to the outside Senegal towards the neighboring African countries and some European countries, and from outside the country also pink lake attracts a lot of tourists and turned into a tourist resort par excellence but not in the summer. Vmnzer extract salt tempt tourists ride boats and touring center of the lake, even above the water is pink and says Hameed, a tourist from Tunisia to the BBC that his visit to the lake enjoyable though its waters is rosy at this time, and confirmed that he enjoyed inspect the process of extracting salt from the lake, which scenes non-existent in Tunisia and in some Arab countries, he says. Lake has become a double source of livelihood, interior graciously salt on the region's population and seemingly tempt tourists, and that is what has prompted the United Nations to be classified within the human heritage.

Pictures: a trip around the world in Belgium Sculpture Festival in the sand ... Creativity Without Borders

Pictures: a trip around the world in Belgium Sculpture Festival in the sand ... Creativity Without Borders

This year was attended by 40 artists from sand sculpture artists from all over the world on the shore of Blankenberge in Belgium, has been used more than 10,000 tons of sand to create amazing sand village as part of the anniversary of the Festival 20, which will continue until the end of the month. A spokesman for the festival "this year at the Festival of Sculpture in the sand former name will bring to fiction life by the Brothers Grimm and Walt Disney, as well as stories Shriamn Charles Dickens and JK Rowling and a lot of stories other famous from the world of myths and legends."

A great aerial photographs to some of the cities around the world

A great aerial photographs to some of the cities around the world